Often, there are questions concerning fees that are charged to students at the beginning of each new school year. With the continued rising gas and grocery prices, we wanted to give parents a heads up so they could have time to allow for these upcoming expenses. Also, we want to give parents information on how these monies are used.
Lockers will continue to be rented to students for $5 for the year. These funds are traditionally used for locker maintenance and upkeep. Mr. Putnam is working on getting new lockers for all students soon, so that is very exciting! As many of you know, we have been using the same lockers for many years. Middle school students each have their own locker. High school students must have a locker partner, so they can split the cost if they choose to.
Parking Permits:
Student drivers are required to purchase a parking permit to park in the student lot. The cost is $20 per year, but may be paid $10 per semester. There is a form to fill out with insurance information, license plate number, make and model of the vehicle and parent signature. This must be turned in to the office before a sticker will be provided. The sticker should be placed on the windshield above the inspection sticker. If a student changes vehicles, they should notify the office so the paperwork can be updated. These funds are used for upkeep and snow removal of the student parking lot.
Student Dues:
Student dues are $14 per year for high school students and $10 per year for middle school students. These fees may be paid half per semester. Student dues are accumulated throughout the student's time at GCHS and used for expenses associated with prom, and the senior class trip. While paying dues in not mandatory, it is a requirement for participation in the homecoming dance and prom. For the last several years it has been very hard to keep up with student dues and who owed, but now that COVID is not upsetting our lives in such a major way, we will be keeping track from this year forward and getting back to holding students accountable for paying them. For example, if an incoming 6th grader never pays any dues their entire time at GCHS and then decides to go to Senior Prom, they would owe $86! So it is better to pay it each year or each semester. To attend the homecoming dance (which is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 24th), students must have paid the first half of their student dues to purchase a ticket.
All of this information can be found in the student handbook, which is available online at https://wvk12-my.sharepoint.co...
Lockers - pg. 39
Parking permits - pg. 11
Class dues - pg. 60
*The handbook is currently being updated and each student will receive a hard copy with the beginning of the year packets.
We look forward to the start of a new school year!